torsdag 16 februari 2012

Bookcircle v.7

White: How did the book end?
Yellow: What was good about the ending?
Red: How did you feel about the ending?
Green: What would you change about the ending?
Black: What was bad about the ending?
Blue: What did you think when you read the ending?
I drew a picture of the headmaster when Dinah threw pepper at him. The picture doesn’t look very good because I’m not very good with paintbrush and I made it when i was in a hurry. You can see his big green eyes and Dinah sitting in her booth, with the pepper thing in her hands. 

måndag 13 februari 2012

Vitt ljus + färgfilter + prisma labbrapport

REGNBÅGAR (och färgfilter)
Syfte: Syftet med laborationen var att se vad som händer när man för vitt ljus genom ett prisma.
Lins +10
Lodrät spalt
Optisk bänk
Rött färgfilter
Blått färgfilter
Vit yta
Utförande: På optisk bänk: Sätt lampan på 0, +10 linsen på 10, lodrät spalt på 15 och prismabord på 23. Sätt sedan prisman på prismabordet. Sätt på lampan, så att den lyser in i linsen, genom spalten och in i prisman. Snurra sedan på prismabordet tills ljuset reflekteras igenom prisman och ut på den vita ytan. Då borde det komma en regnbåge. Testa också att sätta färgfilterna framför regnbågen. 
Resultat: Det kommer en regnbåge på den vita ytan. När man sätter färgfilter framför så blir det blått eller rött, beroende på vilket filter man tar. 
Slutsats: Det blir regnbågar för att vitt ljus består av alla färger, men när det kommer genom prismat bryts det upp till alla färger. När man sätter färgfilter så blir det samma färg, för att det är den enda färgen som kommer igenom filtret, resten absorberas in i filtret. 

Discussionleader + illustrator THe Hidden One

  1. What was good about the text?
  2. What did Scarface make clothes out of?
  3. Did you feel sad for Scarface? Or did you felle bad for her older sister when she couldn’t see The Hidden One?
  4. If you were the older sister, what would you have done?
  5. What would you change about Scarface and her sister? Would you make them be friends for example? 
  6. What didn’t you like about the text? 
I drew a picture of The Hidden One. He is walking by the shore of the lake, like he was when Little Scarface saw him. You can see that he has the rainbow over his shoulder, and his bowstring is supposed to look like a galaxy, but i made it more stretched out, because it didn't really fit when it was round. 


torsdag 9 februari 2012

Bookcircle v.6

When Dinah, Harvey and Lloyd woke up in the morning the ground was covered in snow. They started a snowballfight in school. When the fight started the prefects stopped them and gave them a very bad punishment. Then Harvey was called in before the prefects and they gave him really hard hard sums to do. Then Dinah revealed her secret, that she was really smart. She did the sums for him and told them about the hypnosion and all that. Then they revealed their secret clud to her. There were a few kids who weren’t hypnotised. They got the idea to put a recorder in her pocket during the next assembely so they could her what happened when she was asleep.
Character Tracer
I’m going to write about the character Lloyd. He is a young boy who is not very good at school, but he is still very clever, is good at coming up with plans and stuff like that and hates school and everything that has anything to do with it. Also he is very reckless and brave. When he heard that Dinah was going to move in to his house he was really mad, both because he doesn’t like the idea of having a girl in the house, and because he thinks that she would become a one of the headmasters spies. He didn’t like her at all for a while, and blamed all bad things on her. When she helped Harvey do the sums and told them about the headmaster, he started to like her and trust her. But when she started taking over the SPLAT-meeting he got pretty irritated with her. 

måndag 6 februari 2012

Koöga labbrapport

Syfte: Syftet med labben var att se vad som som fanns i ett koöga och se alla delarna där i.


Utförande: Ta skalpellen och skär upp hornhinnan så att det blir ett öppet hål in till ögat. Då så kan man gräva omkring lite och få ut linsen. Sedan trycker man lite på ögat till hela glaskroppen kom ut. Efter det vände vi ut och in på ögat för att se vad som fanns där.

Resultat: Allting gick bra och vi fick fram alla delarna och det som fanns på insidan av ögat var näthinnan, med blinda fläcken och gula fläcken på.
Slutsats:  Koögat var uppbyggt på samma sätt som ett människoöga, och har samma delar. Den enda skillnaden var att näthinnan var olika färgad. 


torsdag 2 februari 2012

Bookcircle v.5

Creative Connector
I’m going to write about when Dinah came to her new home and met her new brothers. When Dinah came to her new home and met her brothers. She seemed shy and seemed like she didn’t want to be there. I connected this to when I meet new people and I have to socialize with them. When that happens i often don’t talk very much either and don’t want to be there and talk to them. 
Gloomily = dystert (He walked around gloomily, kicking the furniture)
Canteen = Matsal (They all sat down and started to eat in the canteen)
Demure = Sedesamma (Table after table of demure children eating platefuls of sausages)
Vacant = Lediga (The five seats in the waiting room were vacant)
Scowled = Rynkade pannan (Charlie smiled at her, but Lloyd scowled and looked away)
Hostile = Fientliga (The people looked at me in a hostile way)
Exchanged = Byta (Carl and Alex exchanged glances and Ian looked at her curiously) 
Glances = Blickar (Bert and Harvey exchanged glances and Ian looked at her curiously)
Curiously = Nyfiket (Bert and Lina exchanged glances and Ian looked at her curiously)
Peculiar = Egendomlig (I thought he was creepy and peculiar)
Marvellous = Underbar
Savagely = Vilt
Prodded = Stack
Snort = Frusta, Fnysa
Sneeringly = Hånfullt
Languid = Slapp
Semolina = Mannagryn
Jolted = Abrupt
Vagueness = Vaghet
Stubborn = Envis