torsdag 2 februari 2012

Bookcircle v.5

Creative Connector
I’m going to write about when Dinah came to her new home and met her new brothers. When Dinah came to her new home and met her brothers. She seemed shy and seemed like she didn’t want to be there. I connected this to when I meet new people and I have to socialize with them. When that happens i often don’t talk very much either and don’t want to be there and talk to them. 
Gloomily = dystert (He walked around gloomily, kicking the furniture)
Canteen = Matsal (They all sat down and started to eat in the canteen)
Demure = Sedesamma (Table after table of demure children eating platefuls of sausages)
Vacant = Lediga (The five seats in the waiting room were vacant)
Scowled = Rynkade pannan (Charlie smiled at her, but Lloyd scowled and looked away)
Hostile = Fientliga (The people looked at me in a hostile way)
Exchanged = Byta (Carl and Alex exchanged glances and Ian looked at her curiously) 
Glances = Blickar (Bert and Harvey exchanged glances and Ian looked at her curiously)
Curiously = Nyfiket (Bert and Lina exchanged glances and Ian looked at her curiously)
Peculiar = Egendomlig (I thought he was creepy and peculiar)
Marvellous = Underbar
Savagely = Vilt
Prodded = Stack
Snort = Frusta, Fnysa
Sneeringly = Hånfullt
Languid = Slapp
Semolina = Mannagryn
Jolted = Abrupt
Vagueness = Vaghet
Stubborn = Envis

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